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Don’t Be a Perma-Bull or a Perma-Bear

Posted on 11 October 2013 by Andrei

In the investment world, you’re a bull or bullish on something (for example domains or stocks) if you think the value will go up and a bear or bearish on something if you think the value will go down.

Ok, but what’s a perma-bull and a perma-bear?

Simply put, these are the types of investors who don’t change their strategy, no matter how much evidence they are presented with.

So if they’re bullish or bearish on certain types of domains for example, you can show them all of the evidence in the world which proves that they were completely wrong and they still wouldn’t admit it.

I’d advise against this because if you never admit you were wrong, you can never learn from mistakes.

If you never learn from mistakes, you can never become better at what you’re doing.

Sometimes, reality sucks.

Admitting that you’re not the most handsome person in the world.

Or the smartest.

Or the funniest.

… and so on.

But if you want to become better, there’s just no other way.

Perma-bulls and perma-bears have one thing in common: they live in their own world and don’t want to leave, plain and simple.

An extreme example would be someone who still believes the Earth is flat.

You can show him/her all of the images in the world which prove that the Earth isn’t flat but to no avail.

That person refuses to accept arguments which are not in line with his/her vision.

If you do this as an investor, you’ll lose money.

You’ll just be stuck in your own little world, not able to learn from mistakes since you refuse to acknowledge them in the first place.

If you’re right, you’ll brag about it and tell everyone.

If you’re wrong, you’ll blame what happened on external factors (like stock investors who say the market is rigged and things like that).

Bad idea.

Bad, *bad* idea.

Be honest with yourself, learn from your mistakes and understand that being a perma-bull or a perma-bear as an investor is not a good idea.

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