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Domaining (… and Investing in General) Is More Complicated Than It Seems

Posted on 12 July 2013 by Andrei

A lot of people assume that domaining and investing in general is a piece of cake. After all, as far as they see it, you simply click on your mouse a few times and bam, there you have it. It’s a common misconception because the thing is, behind each “click” as they perceive it, lies a great deal of work and research because if you make the wrong decisions, you lose money.

The art of capital allocation.

I think that “definition” describes what we do fairly accurately.

Most domainers I know are hard workers and in fact, I’m pretty sure at least 8-9 out of 10 successful domainers or investors in general work harder than let’s say the average 9 to 5 employee.

A good investor doesn’t have the luxury of simply working x hours a day and then bam, time to go home.

Quite the opposite.

I can’t speak for everyone but at least in my case, I’m pretty much always thinking about domaining/investment-related things.

I read lots of books, essays and so on.

I constantly stay informed and the learning process is never over.

Being a domainer or an investor just for the sake of being a domainer on an investor is easy, sure.

You have a budget, make a few foolish acquisitions and lose your shirt.

Being a *good* domainer or investor on the other hand… not as easy 🙂

I run online businesses as well and have come to realize that in order to be good at anything, you have to invest time and effort.

There’s just no way to circumvent that process.

I’m telling you this as an entrepreneur, as a domainer, as an investor, you name it.

A lot of things seem easy at first sight but appearances can be deceiving.

My experience as an entrepreneur as well as a domainer/investor has taught me to never underestimate the amount of work required to be good at something and to respect all occupations as opposed to judging them based on appearances.

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Kassey Says:

    Andrei, very much agreed with what you said. I read almost everyday and read a variety of domain-, IT- and investment-related articles on the Internet, trying to spot trends and opportunities. Yes, it’s capital allocation, which Warren Buffet excels. Domain investment is a serious business.