Today: Successful domain flipping tips from domain investors / Knowing when to use a BIN Price, Make Offer or Both / Outbounding Letters / and More…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Buying Pronounceable – Budget: Up to $500.00 – Are you holding any pronounceable, four-letter, .com domain names that meet this buyers specified criteria. If you have what this investor is looking for you could have a chance at making some fast cash this weekend.
Buying Video, Animation related domains – Budget: Up to $5,000.00 – Be sure to check your domain portfolio for any of these video or animation related domain names outlined in this buyers guideline. This could be an opportunity to liquidate.
Showcase your domains you sold that are valued Less 100 usd in Estibot – Have you ever sold a domain that was valued less than $100.00 on Estibot before? What was it? Take a look at what others sold.
Outbounding Letters – When it comes to a rock-solid outbound letter to sell your domain names, what is the best one you use the most? Take a peak at some of the letters some domain investors are using that work.
Knowing when to use a BIN Price, Make Offer or Both – Which sales format has worked the best for you with the best return on investment? Check out what’s been working best for other domain name investors.
Successful domain flipping tips from domain investors – Share your best or top ten-tips to successful domain flipping (reselling). Do you have a fool-proof strategy? Take a look at what others are saying and compare notes.
Domain traffic monetization – When it comes to domain names that already have consistent traffic coming in, how do you choose which platform is best to park them at to monetize them? Take a look at what some domain investors are saying.