Categorized | Cool Deals

Time for Another $1.18 GoDaddy Promo Code!

Posted on 15 December 2011 by Andrei

Alright guys, time for another $1.18 GoDaddy promo code! This promo code can be used for multiple TLDs and remember: you can only pay for the domain using your credit card, PayPal payments are not available for this specific promotion.

To take advantage of this offer, simply use the coupon code during the GoDaddy checkout process. Here it is: Gift1 🙂

5 Comments For This Post

  1. Jason Thompson Says:

    I guess this promo code expired already? It doesn’t appear to be working.

  2. Andrei Says:

    @Jason: wow, that was fast 🙂

  3. kandyjet Says:

    i tried today (before this post) and it did not work…

  4. Peter Says:

    guess it just another lie…

  5. Andrei Says:

    @Peter: these do exist but you have to act quickly. I mentioned quite a few of ’em on, they tend to pop op once every couple of months. Also, be on the lookout for them whenever there’s a special occasion such as Christmas.