Today: How to contact a company to offer them a domain name – Budget: Up to $200,000.00 / Share your UDRP domains here / The pros and cons of “the” in a domain name / and More…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today!
Buying and – Budget: Up to $250.00 – Be sure to check your portfolio for a four-letter or five-letter .com that meets this buyers criteria if you’re looking to liquidate for some quick cash.
Nuke Geneva Names Wanted – Budget: Up to $100.00 – Do you have any brandable domain names that could signify or represent the term “Nuke Geneva”? This buyer may be interested if you do.
5-8 Letter .Com Aged Brandables Wanted (High-Quality only) – Budget: Up to $75.00 – Looking to liquidate some domain names for some pocket cash to spend this weekend? Check your portfolio for one of these.
The pros and cons of “the” in a domain name – How have the markets been for domain name assets containing the word “The”? Share some of your experience and compare notes with other “The” domain investors.
Share your UDRP domains here – Do you have any domain assets with a UDRP on them or any cases that you won? Share your wins and your in-progress domain assets under UDRP and take a peak at others.
How to contact a company to offer them a domain name – What strategy have you found that works best when reaching out to a company with a domain name asset you feel would be a good fit for them? Take a look at what some domain investors are saying. Sold for $20,600 – That’s not a bad eleven-letter, two-word, .com domain name sales report for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?