What to look for when investing into 4 letter .Net domains / N.et sold for $6,750 / The .Bond Experience: Show n’ Tell / and more…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
The Appraisal Of HotDogShops.com – This is an interesting category specific eleven-letter, three-word, .com domain in the food industry, but is it good enough to have some liquid value? What would you appraise it for?
The .Bond Experience: Show n’ Tell – Are you investing into any .bond new gTLD’s? What’s the best .bond domain assets that you own? Share your best ones and compare notes with what other .bond domains other investors own.
N.et sold for $6,750 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a single-letter .et ccTLD for a mid four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?
What to look for when investing into 4 letter .Net domains – Are you investing into four-letter .net domain names? What are some of the key variables that you look for when investing into them? Take a peek at what some investors look at.
Brainstorming domain names – When it comes to thinking up new domain names to invest into or hand-register, what formula do you use when brainstorming? Check out what some domain investors do.