Today: Improving An Outbound Email Letter / sold for $39,750 / Who Sells/Brokers Category Killer 1-Word Domains? / and More…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
GEO + Service Domains – Are you still investing into GEO + Service niche domain name assets? If so, maybe you could lend a helping hand in the form of advice to this new GEO + Service domain name investor.
Buying SquadHelp Domains – Up to $20 Per Name – If you have a bunch of SquadHelp approved domain names you would liquidate in bulk for some fast cash to spend this weekend, this might be a great opportunity to do so.
Your Worst Domain name that you currently own and regret purchasing? – Which domain are you going to throw under the bus and drop because you regret ever buying it? Have a look at some of the domain names others regret buying. sold for $39,750 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a four-letter, dictionary-word, .io ccTLD for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?
Improving An Outbound Email Letter – How is your outbound domain name sales email letter doing? Are you seeing the results you had hopped? If not, maybe take a look at what other domain investors are doing to help improve their own outbound letters to see if it could work for yours too.
Who Sells/Brokers Category Killer 1-Word Domains? – Have you ever sold a single-dictionary-word domain name that was a category killer for over $100,000.00? If so, share your experience and take a peak at what others have sold.
Best domain parking page – Which domain name parking page is better than all the rest, in your opinion and from experience? Check out what other domain investors are saying and compare notes.