Categorized | Cool Deals

Another $0.99 GoDaddy Coupon

Posted on 15 March 2013 by Andrei

After yesterday’s article where I explained why I love being a cheap bastard, it should come as no surprise that today’s post is a coupon 🙂

I try to find one juicy GD coupon for you guys each week. Unfortunately, it’s a US/Canada one again, I wish there were more international coupons for such deals but unfortunately, it seems most of them are only for customers from the US/Canada lately.

This one works for up to three new dot com registrations or transfers, $0.99 + the $0.18 ICANN fee per domain.

Here it is:


3 Comments For This Post

  1. Rich Says:

    Thank you Andrei,It works !

  2. Joe Says:

    For non-Americans, there’s an alternative: 295nuts
    Not a $0.99 code, but $2.95 is still sweet.

  3. RAYY Says:

    Thanks Joe. I bought one ! $2.95