One thing which has been perplexing me for long was finally solved today. I finally understood what Twitter is and got addicted to it!
The issue that I had with twitter was that everyone was talking about how great twitter and microblogging was and getting addicted to it. However, whenever I would log into and see hundreds of text-messages from people which I could not even imagine reading — at least without wasting half of my day — I just could not get my head around it!
Did all the top guys who had started twittering love wasting their time or was there more to it!
And the mystery got solved yesterday — when I downloaded a twitter client called twhirl. The moment I downloaded it, I realized how powerful twitter can be and how addictive it actually is.
The main reason why I could never understand and get used to twitter was because it was a headache to keep visiting to check my tweets. The moment I downloaded twhirl, it turned twitter into an instant-messenger — or a big chat-room, if I may.
Yes, that’s right. Twitter is actually a Chat Room on Steroids!!!
You may call it a micro-blogging platform or anything else but if you think of it in the most simplistic terms, it is actually a chat-room where you can add people to your chat and start chatting. The difference is that all your chats are logged and shown on your twitter profile.
And one advice, don’t even try to use twitter without having Twhirl on your system.
PS: Follow me on Twitter.
April 7th, 2008 at 2:42 am
Very cool app! I have been on twitter for a long time now, but never used it much also. This changes the game for Twitter.
April 7th, 2008 at 4:43 am
Thanks for the info.
I need to check it out
April 7th, 2008 at 9:13 am
It’s funny how everyone laments the “lack of time” they have nowadays. However, people find time to spend hours each day on services like this.
It’s inane, childish, and self-absorbed. Even my kids are embarrassed that “adults” think that other people (even friends) care about their minute-to-minute travails.
April 7th, 2008 at 10:01 am
John – if there’s money involved in it, I don’t care how childish it is. 😉 And yes, there is money involved in here!
April 11th, 2008 at 1:17 pm
Show me the money…
April 21st, 2008 at 8:38 pm
John – You sound like a cranky old man. You remind me of an old college prof of mine from the 90’s. He used to say that the internet was a “waste of time” and a “big fad.” Hah!