Posted on 03 August 2016 by Andrei
Will .Web end up being the most successful new gTLD? Perhaps, perhaps not. It all depends on how we define “successful” I guess. I can tell you right now that if we choose to see things from a “which new G has the most registrations?” perspective, it definitely won’t be #1. Not by a long shot. If instead we see things from a “which new G made the most money?” angle (and I for one consider this approach a lot more reasonable) then perhaps Dot Web will indeed end up being the best.
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Posted on 02 August 2016 by Andrei
Well, it’s been a while since I’ve written an update about my One Minute Economics YouTube channel and I’m pleased to say that the channel now has more than 1,000 subscribers (about 1,200 at the moment of writing) 🙂
At this point, I try to stick to a bi-weekly posting schedule by publishing one video on Tuesday (I’ve actually published my most recent one, about shadow banking, a few seconds ago) and one on Saturday.
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