Today: Registrars offering a whois API / The benefits of a broker when doing outbound domain sales / What variables to look for when investing into aftermarket domains / and More…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Instant Cash for a lot of domain requests. Got $50K to spend! – Are you holding any of the domain names this buyer is looking for in your portfolio? If so, this could be a chance to liquidate for some fast reinvestment capital.
Buying – Budget: Up to $5,000.00 – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these cvcv or vcvc .com domain names that meet this buyers guideline. This could be an opportunity to liquidate.
Buying CVCV ( Instant cash ) – Budget: Up to $1,500.00 – Double-check your portfolio for any of these cvcv .com domain names if you need some quick spending cash this weekend.
What variables to look for when investing into aftermarket domains – If you’ve been investing into aftermarket domain names a while, you’ve probably established a list of variables to look for before you invest. Share your list and compare it with other aftermarket domain investors.
The benefits of a broker when doing outbound domain sales – Have you ever used a broker for outbound domain sales? What would you say the biggest benefits are of having a domain broker for your outbound campaign? Check out what’s being said.
Registrars offering a whois API – What registrars do you know that offer a whois API that you could integrate into your own tool? Take a look at what some domain investors are saying. sold for $5,958 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a five-number .com for a mid-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?