Today: Before you start domaining, make sure you’re ready / sold for $7,613 / price increases / and More…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Share and Discuss your best IDN Generic Domain Names – Are you investing into any generic IDN’s (international Domain Names)? What are some of your best IDN’s? Share your best and check out what IDN’s other investors own.
Logical Outbound Sales Discussion – Are you a professional outbound domain seller? What tips would you add to the growing list? Share your experience and compare notes with other domain investors. sold for $7,613 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a ten-letter, two-word, .org domain for a high-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for? price increases – This is slightly old news, but still a good reminder for when the next price hike happens. Are you ready for the inflation? How will it effect your portfolio?
Before you start domaining, make sure you’re ready – What other advice would you offer to new domain name investors thinking about jumping in head first? Take a look at some of the suggested advice so far.
10k+ Sales from the past year – Have you been keeping track of all the five-figure domain name sales reports over the course of the last year? If not, this report conveniently lists them all in one place for you to review. Check it out.