Categorized | Important

Important: The Philippines Needs Your Help!

Posted on 11 November 2013 by Andrei

Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), one of the strongest storms ever recorded has killed thousands upon thousands of people. The survivors desperately need your help!

I donated to the Philippine Red Cross a few moments ago and if you can, please do the same.

Please note that when donating, you’ll be asked to type in an amount in Philippine pesos. One US Dollar is approximately 43.5 Philippine pesos, that’s the exchange rate at the moment of writing.

Just help with whatever you can, it all adds up and the survivors desperately need help.

Also, as of this point and until the end of November, 100% of the revenue generated by new DomainingServers shared hosting customers will be donated to the Philippine Red Cross (the price is still $0.98 per month if paid yearly, in other words $11.76/year and you can host unlimited domains).

To sign up, click here.

Again, I won’t keep anything, all of the revenue generated by new customers as of this point and until the end of the month will be donated to the Philippine Red Cross.

While we’re in front of our computer screens going about our business, hundreds of thousands of human beings just like us (with families, lives, hopes and dreams) are suffering.

Please don’t just ignore them, don’t limit yourself to feeling sorry for them for a brief moment and then moving on to something else.

If you’re a wealthy domainer who doesn’t have to worry about anything financially speaking, donate more.

If you’re just starting out, donate whatever you can afford.

Please visit the Philippine Red Cross website and do whatever you can to spread the word and help!

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Acro Says:

    Donated. Thank you for the Red Cross link and reminder we’re all human.

  2. Matthew Says:

    i to would like to urge people to donate, every little donation helps.
    Thank you for posting this to help create the awareness.