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Tags: , , , , , sold for $7,000

Posted on 24 July 2020 by NamePros Daily

Today: Domain Acquisitions Strategies @Wholesale Prices / Share Your Best Social Justice Domain / Showcase the best domain you acquired on NamePros / and more…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Buying one word .co /.io/.app (fast payments) – Budget: Up to $500.00 – If you have any single-word .co, .io, or .app domain names that fit in this buyers guideline, you might have a chance at some quick cash in your pocket.

Looking for 3L .co – Budget: Up to $150.00 ea. – Are you holding any three-letter .co ccTLD’s in your portfolio that meet this buyers specified criteria? If so and you’re looking to liquidate for some fast spending cash this weekend, this might be an opportunity.

Buying seo kw .coms .info .me for $10 to $35 – Be sure to check your domain portfolio for any of these SEO (Search Engine Optimization) keyword domains that this buyer is looking for. You might be able to flip a few domains quick if you do.

Showcase the best domain you acquired on NamePros – When it comes to investing into domain names, a lot of great reseller priced deals can be found on namePros, where investors buy low and resell later for a bigger return on their investments. What are some of the best domain names you have acquired from other domain investors on namePros? Take a look at what others bought and resold.

Share Your Best Social Justice Domain – Are you investing into any social justice related domain names? If so and you have at least one good one you’re proud of, share it and take a peak at what other domain investors are buying in that niche.

Domain Acquisitions Strategies @Wholesale Prices – Have you focused on the wholesale price acquisition strategy much or do you practice other strategies? Take a look at how some domain investors seek out wholesale deals and compare notes. sold for $7,000 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a twelve-letter, two-word, .com domain for a mid-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

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Tags: , , , , , sold for $11,550

Posted on 23 July 2020 by NamePros Daily

Today: sold for $21000 / The market potential of the .in extension / Got an offer for $5K on a LLLL . COM – Counter or no? / and more…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Buying .com 1 word or 2 words – Budget: $2,500.00 – Are you holding any single-word or two-word .com domain names that meet this buyers specified criteria? If so, this might be an opportunity to liquidate.

Cloud domains wanted – Budget: Up to $1,500.00 – Be sure to check your domain name portfolio for one of these cloud related domain names outlined in this buyers guideline. This could be a chance at some quick cash in your pockets.

Buying One and domains wanted – Be sure to triple-check your portfolio for one of these single-word or three-letter .co ccTLD’s like this buyer is looking for. You might be able to score some fast spending cash this weekend if you have what they need.

The market potential of the .in extension – When it comes to investing into .in ccTLD’s do you think that they have good potential in today’s markets? Share some of your research data and compare notes with other .in investors.

Got an offer for $5K on a LLLL . COM – Counter or no? – Should this domain investor counter or take the $5,000.00 offer they received for their four-letter .com? What would you do in their situation> sold for $21000 – Wow! This domain name investor only spent $20.00 to acquire the domain name and then flipped it for five-figures. Talk about a massive return on investment. sold for $11,550 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a nine-letter, two-word, .com domain for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

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How to find Geo Targeted Domains like

Posted on 22 July 2020 by NamePros Daily

Today: sold for $12,501 / Buying One Word .co & Names – Budget: Up to $2,000.00 / sells for $35,000/ and more…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Looking for BB and SH Listed Names or Similar Quality – Budget: Up to $1,000.00 – Are you holding any SquadHelp or BrandBucket listed domain names that meet this buyers guideline? If so, this could be a chance to turn a profit for some spending cash.

Looking for escrow related domains – Budget: Uo to $500.00 – Be sure to check your domain portfolio for one of these escrow related domain names that this buyer is looking for. This could be a chance for some quick spending cash this weekend.

Buying One Word .co & Names – Budget: Up to $2,000.00 – If you have any single-word or three-letter .co domains outlined in this buyers specified critriaa, this could be an opportunity to liquidate. sells for $35,000 – That’s an interesting ten-letter, two-word, .com domain sales report for five-figures. What exactly is a flappy bird? Do you think it fetched a fair market price? sold for $12,501 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a six-letter, two-word, .com domain for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

How to find Geo Targeted Domains like – Have you ever invested into GEO + Keyword domain names or thinking about it, but need a better way to identify good combinations to invest into? If so, this might be a great read for you.

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Why you should renew domains several years in advance

Posted on 21 July 2020 by NamePros Daily

Today: sold for $11,679 / Buying Pronounceable LLLL, LLN, NLL, LNL .com – Total Budget: $5,000.00 / sold @ 45K / and more…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today: – Immediate Deal Wanted – Total Budget: Up to $4,000.00 – Are you holding a four-letter .com domain name that meets this buyers specified criteria? If so, this could be an opportunity to liquidate.

Sold $17,999 (hand reg) – If you like to follow sales reports and read the back-stories about the domains, why the investors bought them, how the negotiations went, etc… this might be a good read for you.

.COM for $6.98 – If you have been on the fence about investing into a new .com registration, but didn’t like the price-point, this might be an opportunity to save a few bucks.

Buying Pronounceable LLLL, LLN, NLL, LNL .com – Total Budget: $5,000.00 – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these pronounceable, four-letter, LLN, NLL, or LNL, .com domains outlined in this buyers guideline. It could be a chance for some quick spending cash. sold for $11,679 – That’s not a bad five-number .com sales report for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for? sold @ 45K – Wow! That’s an interesting two-letter, .nu, ccTLD, hack domain for a mid-five-figure sale. Why do you think it sold for as much as it did?

Why you should renew domains several years in advance – Are you simply renewing your domain names as they start to expire each year or are you renewing for multiple years in advance? There are a few reasons why it may be beneficial to renew for multiple years instead of year by year. Check out what some investors said.

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Tags: , , , , , sold for $20,956

Posted on 20 July 2020 by NamePros Daily

Today: Sold @ $35,501 / Buying – Pronounceable 4L .com / CVCV – Budget: Up to $5,000.00 / The legalities of investing into a domain with free and open source software names / and more…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Buying Single Hindi Language Word Domains – Budget: Up to $500.00 – Are you holding any single-word Hindi-Language domains that you’re ready to liquidate for some quick spending cash? If so, you may want to check out this buyers guideline.

Traffic just exploded on an old betting domain – Why? – What are some of the reasons you can think of as to why an older domain owned for a while would all of a sudden start getting a bunch of traffic consistently?

Buying – Pronounceable 4L .com / CVCV – Budget: Up to $5,000.00 – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these pronounceable four-letter cvcv .com domains like this buyer is looking for. This could be a chance to sell for some fast cash.

The legalities of investing into a domain with free and open source software names – Have you ever reviewed a creative commons license for an open source software and found that they were okay with you investing into a domain that included their software name in it? Take a look at what some domain investors are saying about it. Sold @ $35,501 – Wow! Would you have guessed that a five-letter-word + three-numbers .com domain would have fetched five-figures? Take a look at the discussion going on about that sale. sold for $20,956 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a four-number .com domain for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

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Better landing page conversions with live chat

Posted on 19 July 2020 by NamePros Daily

Today: Tips on buying a domains with traffic / sold for $9,500 / How to find premium domains that can double your investment / and more…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Buying your unwanted .com’s in BULK – Budget: Up to $30.00 ea. – Be sure to check your domain portfolio for one of these unwanted .com domain names this buyer is looking for in bulk if you need some quick spending cash this weekend.

Will Buy BB Approved domains for up to $30.00 each – Are you holding any BrandBucket approved domain names you would be willing to liquidate to this buyer? If so, you may want to check this buyers guideline.

How to find premium domains that can double your investment – When it comes to investing into premium keyword domain names that can double your investment, what are the key variables you look for? Take a peak at what some domain investors are keeping their eyes on. sold for $9,500 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a five-number .com that sold for a high-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than it sold for?

Tips on buying a domains with traffic – When it comes to buying domain names with verifiable quality traffic, what would you suggest that a new buyer should look for? Check out what domain investors are saying about it.

Better landing page conversions with live chat – Have you ever tried adding a live chat feature to your domain sales landing pages? Did it help with conversions? Take a look at what some domain investors are saying about using live chat on landing pages.

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How to find out where a Domain was sold

Posted on 18 July 2020 by NamePros Daily

Today: sold for $6,567 / .top is basically a Chinese cctld / Buying CVCV.COM – Budget: Up to $2,000.00 / and more…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Buying Aged One Word and Two Word .com’s – Budget: Up to $2,000.00 – Are you holding any single or two-word aged .com domain names that meet this buyers specified criteria? If so, this could be the opportunity you were looking for if you need fast cash.

LLL or LL .uk wanted – Budget: Up to $300.00 – If you have any three-letter or two-letter .uk ccTLD’s in your domain portfolio, this could be your opportunity to score some quick spending cash.

Buying CVCV.COM – Budget: Up to $2,000.00 – Be sure to check your domain portfolio for one of these cvcv .com domain names outlined in this buyers guideline. This could be a chance to liquidate. sold for $6,567 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a nine-letter, two-word, .com domain for a mid-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

.top is basically a Chinese cctld – What are your thoughts when it comes to the new gTLD .top? Do you think it should be treated like a ccTLD or should it remain a new gTLD? Take a look at what’s being said.

How to find out where a Domain was sold – When it comes to investing into domain names, it’s sometimes handy to know when and where a domain name previously sold that you’re interesting in buying. It could give you an idea of how much the current owner has ridding on it. Take a look at what some investors are doing to find out.

Today’s Marketplace/Auction Picks:

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How long it takes to sell your first domain

Posted on 17 July 2020 by NamePros Daily

Today: sold for $35,000 / I just acquired / Who else has signed up for the Online Domain Name & Digital Asset Conference and Virtual Trade Show? / and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

BUYING LLLL.COM – Total Budget: $5,000.00 – Be sure to check your domain portfolio for one of these four-letter .com domain names. This buyer is ready for a smooth transaction if you have what they need.

Looking for 5L CVCVC or VCVCV Domains budget budget up to 500 usd – Are you holding any five-letter cvcvc or vcvcv .com domain names in your portfolio you would be willing to liquidate for some quick cash in your pocket this weekend? If so, this might be an opportunity.

Wanted – Budget: Up to $150.00 – If you have a four-letter .co ccTLD in your portfolio that meets this buyers guideline, you might have a chance to liquidate for some fast cash.

I just acquired – Wow! That’s a nice looking pronounceable, three-letter, .com domain they just acquired. What do you think they should do with it? Should they develop it or flip it? Check out what’s being said about the acquisition.

Who else has signed up for the Online Domain Name & Digital Asset Conference and Virtual Trade Show? – Is anyone else attending the online Page Howe conference July 23rd-25th? Take a look at what’s being said about it and let others know if you’ll be attending too. sold for $35,000 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a ten-letter, two-word, .com domain name for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

How long it takes to sell your first domain – It can be slightly or even dramatically different for each domain investor when it comes to how long it takes to sell their first domain name. There are a lot of different variables at play, like, domain niche, marketing efforts, asking price, etc… Take a look at how long it took some domain investors to sell their first domain name.

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The most searched first name (Male & Female) domain

Posted on 15 July 2020 by NamePros Daily

Today: Outbound is tricky / Top Converting Landers / sold for $12,000 / and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Category dominating domains in the ‘Mattress’ niche – Budget: Up to $5,000.00 – Be sure to check your domain name portfolio for one of these mattress related domain names that meets this buyers guideline. This could be a chance to make some fast spending cash this weekend.

Brandable 1 or two word implying “to present well” – Budget: Up to $2,000.00 – If you have one of these brandable single or double-word .com domain names in your portfolio that meets this buyers specified criteria it could be an opportunity to liquidate for some fast cash.

How established .com businesses can greatly benefit from the new generation of domain names – When it comes to established and developed businesses using a .com domain, do you think they can benefit any off other extensions? Take a look at what this domain investor is saying about the topic and see if you agree with them. sold for $12,000 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a five-letter, pronounceable, brandable, .com domain for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

Top Converting Landers – When it comes to landing pages, not all of them are created equal. Which landing pages do you think convert the best? Check out what some investors said and share your own landing page experience.

Outbound is tricky – When it comes to doing outbound marketing successfully to pitch and resell your domain name assets, there are a few things you want to avoid so you’re not wasting your time. Take a look at what some domain investors are suggesting and offer your own tips.

The most searched first name (Male & Female) domain – When it comes to investing into first-names (Male or female) you want to go with the most popular name so that you know there is more of a market for it. What do you think the most popular first-names are?

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How to identify two-word domains worth six-figures

Posted on 11 July 2020 by NamePros Daily

Today: sold for $4,888 / A Very Persuasive Followup OutBound Letter / Will 6N Chips come back in the game? / and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Buying .com domains with the word ‘launch’ – Budget: Up to $100.00 – Are you holding any launch related .com domain names in your portfolio that meet this buyers guideline? If so, this could be a chance to liquidate.

Buying fitness and workout domains – Budget: Up to $100.00 – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these fitness or work-out domain names that meet this buyers specified criteria. This might be a chance to make some fast spending cash.

Will 6N Chips come back in the game? – If you are investing into six-number chip domains still or have some left-over in your portfolio you keep renewing? What are your thoughts about that niche market returning? Will it fade out completely or will it make a come-back?

A Very Persuasive Followup OutBound Letter – What is the best and most persuasive outbound domain name sales letter you have ever sent out to an end-user that has the best response rate? Take a look at what some investors are sharing and show off what works best for you too.

How to identify two-word domains worth six-figures – When it comes to evaluating two-word domain names, it’s hard to identify the ones worth five-figures, let alone six-figures. Share the system you developed to identify the high-value domains and compare notes with what other investors do. sold for $4,888 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a ten-letter, two-word, .com domain for a mid-four-figures. Do you think that it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

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