Today: Why .IO domains are popular among startups/tech / Quick reference book for domains worth parking / Are random 4L .com really worth investing into the renewals? / and more…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Buying and – Total Budget: $700,000.00 – Are you holding any two-letter or three-letter .com domain name assets that meet this buyers specified criteria? If so, this could be an opportunity to liquidate for some fast reinvestment capital.
Buying Dot com name related to reputation – Budget: Up to $750.00 – Be sure to check your domain name portfolio for one of these reputation related domains that this buyer is looking for. This could be a chance at some fast spending cash this weekend.
Quick reference book for domains worth parking – Do you know of a really good reference book or guide to learn about parking domain names for a profit? Share your guide and compare notes with what others found.
Are random 4L .com really worth investing into the renewals? – When it comes to four-letter domain names, do you think that they are worth renewing every year, adding to your total, overall investment? Check out what some investors think about it.
Why .IO domains are popular among startups/tech – Are you investing into any .io ccTLD’s? If so, share some of your research about why they are so popular with startups and check out what other investors are saying. sold for $10,749 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a five-letter, pronounceable, brandable, .com domain for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?