Today: Three-letter .us transfers not allowed / Brandable Domain Bubble Coming / The minimum population size to look for when buying a GEO-domain / and more…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
BUYING: Pronounceable 4L .com ONLY – Budget: Up to $9,999.00 – Be sure to check your domain name portfolio for one of these four-letter pronounceable .com domains that this buyer needs. This might be a chance at some fast spending cash this weekend.
Need a domain for food platform – Budget: Up to $1,000.00 – Do you have a food platform related domain name in your portfolio that meets this buyers specified criteria? If so, this could be an opportunity to liquidate.
The minimum population size to look for when buying a GEO-domain – Do you have a minimum population size that you look for before investing into a GEO-domain asset? What would you say is a profitable population?
Brandable Domain Bubble Coming – Are you investing into brandable domain names and anticipating the bubble about to pop? Take a peak at what some brandable domain name investors are saying about it.
Three-letter .us transfers not allowed – Is this for real? Can you no longer transfer a three-letter .us ccTLD away from a register? Share your experience with this and check out what’s being said. sold for $8,100 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a four-letter, dictionary-word, .net for a high-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?