Today: The value of 5L domains in today’s market / How to monetize 1000 Chinese traffic per day / Your preferred sales method and why / and more…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Looking for two-word technology .com’s – Budget: Up to $200.00 – Are you holding any two-word technology domain names in your portfolio that meet this buyers guideline? If so, this could be a chance for a fast flip.
Using Valuations/Appraisal to help sell domains – Do you base your domain names actual value on automated appraisals or do you use a different technique? When it comes to automated appraisals, how are you implementing their value estimate into your sales pitch?
Buying 4 letters pronounceable only .com – Budget: Up to $500.00 – Be sure to double-check your portfolio for one of these four-letter pronounceable .com domain names outlined in this buyer brief. This could be an opportunity to liquidate.
How to monetize 1000 Chinese traffic per day – What strategies have you used to monetize Chinese traffic to your domain names? Share what works for you and take a look at what other investors do.
The value of 5L domains in today’s market – Are you investing into any five-letter domain names? Share some of your research with other five-letter domain investors to help determine today’s value of that niche and compare notes. sold for $9,600 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a eight-letter, two-word, .com sales report for a high-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?