Today: The Risks Of Outbound Marketing Your Domain Names / Domain investors average monthly profit from selling domains / France seizes from the registrant who’s had it since 1994 / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today: – What about a two-word holiday savings domain name? It seems to be targeted enough to have some demand, but does the .net hurt it? – I’m not too sure about this one. The three letter word “dog” is great, but what about the new gTLD .srl extension? Is there any value in a short dictionary word like this one? – It’s five letters, but isn’t pronounceable. Does that mean there is no value or is it worth something because it’s only five letters?
The Risks Of Outbound Marketing Your Domain Names – Have you ever run an outbound marketing campaign to sell domains to potential end-users before? What are some of the negative aspects of such campaigns?
Domain investors average monthly profit from selling domains – What is your monthly average when it comes to domain name sales? Do you keep track of all your sales? Share your sales averages with others and compare notes.
France seizes from the registrant who’s had it since 1994 – Wow! You have to love how a government can just take what they want when they want it. Do you have any country/city domain assets that could be taken from you in the future?
How to negotiate with non-English speaking domain buyers – Have you ever been contacted about one of your domain assets by a non-English speaking end-user? How did you communicate effectively to negotiate?