What domain would you invest $1,500.00 in?

Posted on 17 April 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: That feeling you get when you find an available domain and then it’s gone / How to find end users for domain names / SOLD – MoneroGuide.com & MoneroExpert.com / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

.CA weekly drop list – If you are a .ca ccTLD investor and looking for some fresh domain drops to scoop up, this is your chance. Check out some of the freshly dropping .ca ccTLD domains this week.

Whois Contact Info Change With No 60 Day Lock! – How is that possible? What’s the loophole in avoiding the 60-day lock? Have you tried this before successfully?

BorrowerHotline.com – Umm, maybe a helpline for people that are addicted to borrowing and never returning anything? Or possibly a hotline for people that upside down in credit debt? How much would you value this domain asset at?

How to find end users for domain names – If you are a successful domain reseller, would you kindly share some of your experience and strategies with other investors regarding locating end users?

That feeling you get when you find an available domain and then it’s gone – Poof! I think we’ve all had that happen before. When was the last time you found the perfect domain, finally motivated to buy it, and then it was gone?

SOLD – MoneroGuide.com & MoneroExpert.com – Interesting set of geo domains that sold for $2,200.00 as a set. Have you seen bulk geo domain sales like this one often?

What domain would you invest $1,500.00 in? – Which of the liquid domain asset niches would you invest $1,500.00 into for the fastest and largest return on investment?

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