Today: Top technology trends and Investments forecast of 2018 / Sold a .one domain, 5th highest reported sale / Generating a list of all CVCV combinations / And more!
Here are the new domain discussions and domain news.
Domainer Scammed For $26k On A Stolen Domain! – Wow! When will it stop? This is getting crazy! Way too many scammers out there online and not enough regulation or enforcement.
Time to stop investing in Bitcoin domains – How do you feel about the cryptocurrency domain investment trend? Is it still strong, fading away, or dropping fast? Will investors lose their shirts if they hold them too much longer?
Extended.Network – It’s a playful new gTLD hack, but is it worth anything in today’s markets? It could work as a network service catering to the marketing communities. Just how much value would such an asset have?
Top technology trends and Investments forecast of 2018 – I’m not sure I agree with everything on the list. Some seem logical. Which of the potential technology-related domain investments do you think are accurate?
Sold a .one domain, 5th highest reported sale – Nice one! Nothing like a four digit .one new gTLD sale that hit the top recorded sales charts. It’s new gTLD sales like this one that keeps us motivated.
Generating a list of all CVCV combinations – Do you have a software or recommendation for this investor to generate a list of all the CVCV combinations?
What you need to know about selling through Brokers – Are you an experienced broker or a reseller that has dealt with brokers before? If so, please share your experiences with others.