I’ve priced -edited: the domain has been sold- for a very quick sale this week, just -edited: the domain has been sold- and am selling it on a “first come, first served” basis. This has got to be my shortest newsletter ever and this is a good thing in my opinion. I find myself getting straight to the point more and more often lately, saves all parties involved a lot of time 🙂
Here’s the full text of the newsletter and as always, the domain will be removed within 48-ish hours so as not to get indexed:
“Going to keep this newsletter ridiculously short, as the title is self-explanatory.
I’m selling -edited: the domain has been sold-.
Payment via Escrow.com preferred, buyer pays fee.
First come, first served.
To claim the domain, reply to this email or send a message to andrei@domainingtips.com with the text “SOLD”.
Keep in touch,