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Do You Pay Attention to Forum Trader Ratings?

Posted on 23 October 2015 by Andrei

NamePros as well as DNForum have systems through which buyers and sellers can exchange feedback. I have to admit that I for one frequently forget to give and/or request trader ratings and I think lots of people feel the same way. Don’t get me wrong, I consider the feature genuinely useful but still, I frequently forget to take advantage of it.

Furthermore, when determining whether or not a seller is legit, the trader rating isn’t my most important metric.

I pay much more attention to the join date + post count variable and if for example someone has been around for a long time and has lots of posts, I sometimes don’t even analyze the trader rating in detail.

Now, of course, what I’m saying is mostly valid for small deals.

If we’re talking about big bucks, I tend to be much more thorough.

What about you guys?

When’s the last time you gave or received a trader rating?

Do you consider this feature important and if so, how much of an impact does it have on your decision making process?

3 Comments For This Post

  1. Michael Hudak Says:

    Someone’s “trader rating” is very important to their online credibility and “e-trustworthiness”. It is the same thing as ebay buyer/seller feedback. It gives you a nice glimpse into the persons buying or selling history and how each transaction went (good, bad, ugly) so that you can decide if you are ready to do business online with that store/individual.

    On the other hand, years ago, I grabbed Ive had many large scale visions for the domain, just never dived into getting it developed. Im actually looking for a partner on this name. If there is interest, please email me,

    All the best!

  2. Tom Says:

    Why is DNFORUM a ghost town, like there is no activity there, I just go to namepros and it is like a party over there.

  3. Hire.Domains Says:

    I am forever asking people to do the trade rating, one gent made a lowball offer on a domain and he has yet to do the trade rating from our last deal, stuff like that does influence my decision when considering an offer….. I said no. Join date is also a major factor. And if in doubt ….. excrow