The book won’t be about domaining or making money online although there will be a chapter or two about online assets, it will be about how to manage your wealth in a complex economic environment such as this one.
I think domainers will find it useful because after making money online either via domaining or through other methods, a lot of people are having a hard time figuring out how to diversify and invest in offline assets as well.
As a domainer, entrepreneur and economist, I’m in a very good position to help people get the best of both worlds. I will explain what the most dangerous pitfalls are and how to come up with a reasonable strategy based on your needs, financial possibilities, goals and expectations.
The book isn’t finished yet but I hope you will be able to read it early next year. It will be sold via Amazon and will cost less than 10 bucks. The monetary aspect isn’t the #1 thing that motivates me, my most important goal is getting the message across to as many people as possible.
It won’t be a book about getting rich quick, it won’t provide any “easy way out” solutions either. Instead, it will (I hope!) help all readers not only preserve but also enhance their wealth.
If you’d like me to let you know when the book will go live, send an email to with the subject “Andrei’s Book” and I’ll add you to the list of people who will be notified as soon as the book becomes available via Amazon.