Domainers, just like everyone else, tend to talk a lot about their successful transactions (their larger sales) but not so much about their portfolio as a whole.
Unfortunately, by doing that, they paint a picture that does not accurately reflect reality.
Let’s assume you own 1,000 domains and that the renewal fee is $8/year/domain.
Let’s also assume that the parking revenue is nothing worth mentioning, so you rely exclusively on sales.
If you talk about how you sold one of them at let’s say $1,000 even though you considerably less for it, almost everyone (especially beginners) will congratulate you.
What they don’t know is that you have to pay $8,000 per year in renewals and that you need 7 more sales like that just to break even.
Lots of beginners think domaining is a walk in the park because they misinterpret the individual sales people are mentioning.
While those sales are definitely exciting, you have to see the big picture and analyze their portfolio as a whole before drawing conclusions.