A lot of times, registrars have special prices and let you renew your domain(s) for several years in advance. In other words, you can renew your domain for 2, 3, 4 years and so on at the same yearly price.
But is it worth it?
Well, yes… or no 🙂
Renewing for another year (so for a total of 2 years) or for let’s say another 2 years makes sense.
Renewing for more than that… probably not.
A good deal only makes sense if you actually need whatever it is you’re buying.
If you’re at a store and see gloves at a good price, buy them… if you need gloves.
You get the point.
So as a conclusion I’d say that yes, renewing domains for more than 1 year makes sense but don’t get carried away 😉
May 8th, 2013 at 11:47 pm
I always renew my domains for 2-3 years in advance depending the quality of domain and my plans on selling them. But I renew my personal name and some other domains which I never intend to sell are renewed for maximum period of time.
May 11th, 2013 at 1:25 am
Further… on the domains price list (linked from the Go Daddy home page), 1 year’s renewal for a “.com” domain is listed at £6.99 and ten years at £9.42 (GBP). However, the price for a single year’s renewal shown in my cart is £9.69/yr.