Think about it. In case you didn’t know, all domain registrars pay $7.85 to Verisign for each .com registration. That’s the wholesale cost of a dot com domain.
Now take a look around and you’ll see that pretty much all major registrars offer dot coms at less than $7.85 if you use a coupon. So they’re losing money on each dot com. Even more so, companies like GoDaddy frequently offer domains at prices like $0.99 and as you saw yesterday, even Network Solutions is doing it.
As a domainer, a consumer in our case, competition is one of your top allies.
Don’t take it for granted.
No company is perfect but before criticizing registrars, I always think about the fact that they’re offering domains at low profits or even at a loss and after realizing that, I tend to become a lot more reasonable 🙂