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Are You a Contrarian Domainer?

Posted on 08 April 2013 by Andrei

What do contrarians do? They’re willing to buy when everyone’s selling and sell when everyone’s buying. In other words, they don’t blindly follow the herd. The most profitable investments are always those made when everyone questions your judgement.

They’re also the riskiest. Go figure 🙂

You’re buying domains *now*?

You’re selling domains *now*?

Yes, now.

I’m often a contrarian.

If I have valid reasons to believe that buying now makes economic sense, I do it.

Whether or not everyone agrees with me is irrelevant.

Some people are always contrarians though and that’s just as dangerous as always going with the flow.

If you think being a contrarian is always the right thing to do, you’re missing the point of this post.

What I’m trying to say is this: it’s your money you’re putting on the line, so trust your judgement.

Sometimes, you and the herd will see eye to eye.

Sometimes, you won’t.

The bottom line is this: assuming responsibility for your actions is the rational thing to do if you want long-term results. You’ll make mistakes, nobody’s perfect but at least they’ll be *your* mistakes and if you’re wise enough to learn from them, they’ll ultimately make you stronger.

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