Archive | April, 2019

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The best Landing Pages Investors Use

Posted on 28 April 2019 by NamePros Daily

Today: Famous Domain Investors Over The Years / Share your .Com domain logos at professional market places for Cannabis, pot, Hemp, CBD, Weed, Bliss / sold for $4,550 / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today!

Buying aged . Com’s – Budget: Up to $150 – Do you have any aged .com domain assets in your portfolio you want to liquidate for some fast cash? If so, this might be an opportunity.

Buying 1 or 2 Brandpa names with specific keywords – Budget: Up to $100.00 – Be sure to double check your portfolio for any brandpa listed domain assets that match this buyers criteria if you need some quick cash.

Time limit on outbound domain sales – Does anyone else put a time limit on the a domain for sale in an end-user outbound email? How has it been working out for you? Take a peak at what other investors are saying and compare notes. sold for $4,550 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a two-letter + two-number .com domain for a mid-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

Share your .Com domain logos at professional market places for Cannabis, pot, Hemp, CBD, Weed, Bliss – Do you own any cannabis, hemp, CBD, bliss, or weed related .com domain assets and have them listed, with a logo, at a marketplace? Let’s see your logo.

Famous Domain Investors Over The Years – Can you name a few domain investors in this industry that seemed famous to you or that you valued their opinion on, more than others? Take a look at what some domain investors are saying.

The best Landing Pages Investors Use – Which landing page converts the best for you? Check out what some domain investors are using that they claim work better than others.

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Chemical Compound Dictionary Word .com’s

Posted on 26 April 2019 by NamePros Daily

Today: sold for $66,258 / BrandXXXX or XXXXBrands? / Domain Battle Round # 17 – Thunderdome Contest / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today!

Looking for one word .app domains. Up to $5,000 per name – Be sure to check out your portfolio for one of these single-word .app domain names. This buyer is ready for a smooth transaction.

Buying CCCCV & CCVCV domains – Budget: Up to $200.00 – Double check that portfolio of yours for a CCCCV or CCVCV domain that meets this buyers specified criteria if you want to liquidate. – Do these products already exist or is it a new invention? A flexible cover sounds like it might come in handy for a few situations. How much do you think this domain asset is worth in today’s market? sold for $66,258 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a nine-letter, .de ccTLD for for nice five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

Domain Battle Round # 17 – Thunderdome Contest – If you haven’t been following the domain battles rounds, you might want to check this one out. Which one of these domain assets would you vote for?

BrandXXXX or XXXXBrands? – Which direction would you go when taking branding into consideration for a domain asset? Take a look at what some domain investors are saying.

Chemical Compound Dictionary Word .com’s – Have you ever researched chemical compound dictionary words to see how businesses are building them out and scaling? It’s actually interesting.

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The future of new GTLDs – From .com to .blog?

Posted on 24 April 2019 by NamePros Daily

Today: How to build a domain portfolio website / Sold for $5,980 / Domain Battle Round #16 – Thunderdome Contest / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today!

Tech/APK domains Only .com please – Budget: Up to $300.00 – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these Tech/APK .com domain assets. This buyer is ready for a smooth transaction.

Buying SquadHelp Approved Domains – Budget: Up to $20 ea. – If you have any domain names approved at squadhelp and looking to liquidate them for fast cash, this might be an opportunity. – The two-words seem to work well with one another, but is that enough to give it any market liquidity in .org? What do you think this domain asset is worth?

Domain Battle Round #16 – Thunderdome Contest – If you haven’t checked out the latest domain battle round, you’re missing out. Which one of those domain assets would you vote for? Sold for $5,980 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a four-letter .com domain for a mid-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

How to build a domain portfolio website – What tips would you offer a new domain investor in building a portfolio website? Check out what some investors are saying and compare notes.

The future of new GTLDs – From .com to .blog? – What do you think about this example of an end-user switching their .com to a .blog because it matched their development direction?

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How to Stop Low-ball Offers With One Counter

Posted on 22 April 2019 by NamePros Daily

Today: The power of “NO RESERVE” when promoting a domain auction / Please Don’t Contact Potential Buyers Like This! / Sold for $5,039 / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today!

Pronounceable wanted – Total Budget: $5,000.00 – Do you have some four-letter .com domain names that meet this buyers specified criteria? If so, and you are wanting some quick cash, this might be an opportunity. – Check out what I saw in the top domains section today. Do you think it’s a borderline domain domain or a premium (pun-intended)? I wonder what it will sell for… – What, exactly is a “Helio” and how do you wear it? Are any of you familiar with this niche? What would you appraise this domain name for? Sold for $5,039 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a six-letter, two-word, .com domain for a mid-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

Please Don’t Contact Potential Buyers Like This! – Have you ever received a contact like this one from someone trying to sell you a domain name, or anything else for that matter? How did you handle it? Take a look at the funny approach this investor took.

The power of “NO RESERVE” when promoting a domain auction – Do you use catch-phrases to attract potential bidders/buyers like “No Reserve”? Does it work better? Take a peak at what some domain investors think.

How to Stop Low-ball Offers With One Counter – Have you ever had a problem with low-ball offers from direct contact buyers? How did you respond? Check out the counter this domain investor used.

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Domains you let go for nothing that you wish you had now

Posted on 20 April 2019 by NamePros Daily

Today: Creating social network accounts for domain assets / Selling Advice, Valuation, Brokering… / sold for $5,100 / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today!

Looking for Blockchain and Crypto related .com & .io – Budget: Up to $200.00 – Do you need some fast cash and have a crypto or blockchain related .io or .com domain name asset in your portfolio you would liquidate? Check out this buyer guideline.

Do you buy domains because of its backlinks profile? – There is a lot of talk still regarding domain assets with backlinks. Are you investing into backlink domains or do you even check?

What causes a “run” on bids for mediocre domains at auction? – What do you think causes buyers to go into a bidding war over a mediocre domain name asset in an auction? Check out what some investors think. sold for $5,100 – That’s not bad domain name sales report for a nine-letter, two-word, .com domain for a mid-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

Creating social network accounts for domain assets – Is this a strategy that you practice? Does it help? Share your experience and check out what other investors have already said.

Selling Advice, Valuation, Brokering – What advice would you offer a new domain name investor? Check what some investors are saying and share some of your own experience.

Domains you let go for nothing that you wish you had now – What domain name assets did you sell in the past for a fraction of what it’s worth today and wish you never sold it? Take a look at the nice domains that once sold for way below market value today.

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Developed .ORG for-profit websites

Posted on 18 April 2019 by NamePros Daily

Today: How to get affordable premium domains / Domain Battle Round #14 – Thunderdome Contest / sold for $12,500 / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today!

Logo Design for an Oceanfront Hotel $50 – 3 Day Contest! – Hey! Do you have any design skills and want to take a crack at winning $50.00 to spoil yourself with in 3 days? Hurry up and submit your design entry to see if you can win.

Sell me your brandables (Read my criteria) – Budget: Up to $100.00 ea. – Be sure to check your portfolio for any brandables that meet this buyers criteria. If you have a few collecting dust and want to liquidate, this might be an opportunity.

Domain Parking, is it worth it? – Have you been parking domain name assets a while and have experience with with this revenue model? Share some tips and check out what other investors said.

How to get affordable premium domains – What strategy do you use to locate a premium domain asset for an affordable investment? Take a look at what some investors are saying works and compare notes. sold for $12,500 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a ten-letter, acronym + word .org domain for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

Domain Battle Round #14 – Thunderdome Contest – If you haven’t been following the domain battle rounds, you’re missing out on the action. Check out the domains entering the arena this round and vote for your favorite one.

Developed .ORG for-profit websites – Have you ever come across any for-profit websites on a non-profit .org before? How did it or does it work out for them? Check out what other investors have said so far.

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Domains with concepts

Posted on 16 April 2019 by NamePros Daily

Today: Identifying a trend – “Trans + word” Domain Assets / Unregistered Trademark. The death of domaining? / sold for $2,500! / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today!

Buying casino domains with traffic – Budget: Up to $2,000.00 – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these casino domain names receiving steady traffic. This buyer is looking for a smooth transaction. sold for $10,000 – That’s not a bad eight-letter, two-word, .com domain name sales report for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for? sold for 6,565 GBP! – Wow! Another four-digit .tv ccTLD sales report. These .tv’s just don’t stop, or do they?

Identifying a trend – “Trans + word” Domain Assets – What are your thoughts about this trend happening right now? Is it just reseller hyped or could it be end-users buying up that much in such a short time span? sold for $2,500! – That’s not a bad .tv ccTLD sales report for a seven-letter word at four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

Unregistered Trademark. The death of domaining? – What are your thoughts about unregistered trademark holders going the legal route because a domain reseller approached them first?

Domains with concepts – Do you present yor domain name to potential buyers with a concept or theme to help bring awareness? What are your techniques? Check out what other domain investors do.

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Let’s Talk About “Street Smarts”

Posted on 15 April 2019 by Andrei

Frankly, I always thought it was a shame that the importance of “street smarts” in the world of domaining tends to be underestimated… can you consider yourself a good domainer if you have close to zero real-world experience?

In other words, if you’ve let’s say never run a business or even been near someone running a business. Or, generally speaking, if you don’t have the right balance in your life between reading and actually executing.

Can you call yourself a good domainer under such circumstances?

Well, I guess you can. Nothing in this world is impossible, but even if you are doing okay-ish or even very well as a domainer without getting your hands dirty, blissfully living in your little bubble… it’s still sub-optimal, to put it mildly.

I mean, look: I’ve written two 400-page books, went after my PhD and frequently devour books (primarily non-fiction), I’m anything but the type of person who would hold a grunge against the “white collar” dimension of life. On the contrary.

But I’ve been through enough to know that while living in your very own little ecosystem that’s as disconnected as possible from the many less than glamorous problems of the proverbial real world might give you (temporary) peace of mind and seem comfortable… your comfort zone tends to be your #1 enemy.

Maybe you’re smart, fair enough. Maybe you’re good at acquisitions, great. But if you get stuck in your comfort zone, it’s only a matter of time until others who are just as smart as you and just as good as acquisitions but went beyond their comfort zones will do better than you.

So while not necessarily a deal-breaker, street smarts are definitely something that could and SHOULD give you an edge.

Great… but how can one make improvements in the street smarts department?

In a nutshell, I’d say it’s all a matter of being willing to put yourself out there. Try new ideas, connect with other people, launch a project or two. Fail embarrassingly. Then get back on the saddle and try again, rinse and repeat.

In my case, I had no choice but to develop street smarts, because life in Eastern Europe tends to demand that. So, yes, the street smarts of some people might be context-related. To others, it just comes natural, for example people who have impressive emotional intelligence. Fair enough.

But for most individuals, street smarts are acquired willingly and systematically. Kind of like training a muscle. You set a goal (improving your street smarts), develop a game plan and executing, one failure at a time 🙂

I hope this post wasn’t too abstract and don’t want to hit the “Publish” button without making it clear why I’ve decided to write it. The #1 reason is that anyone can try to do it. And by trying to do it, you’re actually doing it, because that’s the entire point: trying, putting yourself out there.

While it may not be the most comfortable experience in the world, it’s one of those things that will generate benefits indefinitely once you set things in motion. Your improvements in the street smarts department will become more obvious once you notice that you’re now seeing negotiations with end users from an entirely different angle (being able to actually empathize with the end user and his/her business struggles), that you’re more confident in the decisions you make (when to accept, when to counter, etc.) and the list could go on and on.

Try it… you’ll most likely hate me initially but thank me in the end 🙂

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Why is your domain worth your asking price?

Posted on 14 April 2019 by NamePros Daily

Today: sold for $9,700 / The nations of the .Amazon want the name back / Domain Battle Round # 9 – Thunderdome Contest / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today!

Wanted: 2 Word .Com domains – Paying up to $20 each – Need a quick $20.00 (twenty-bucks) and have some two-word .com’s laying around collecting dust you could wholesale? Check out this buyers specified criteria if you do.

Brandable .COM wanted for term Grow/Growth – Budget: Up to $300.00 ea. – If you have any grow or growth related domain name assets in your portfolio and need some quick cash, this might be an opportunity for you.

Buying Exact match Social media marketing related Domains – Total Budget: $1,000.00 – Do you have any exact match social media marketing domain name assets in your portfolio you want to liquidate? If so, check out this buyers guideline.

The nations of the .Amazon want the name back – If you thought was last time you would see governing body come after a domain asset or a new gTLD extension, don’t miss out on this one. The domino effect is bound to start happening.

Domain Battle Round # 9 – Thunderdome Contest – It’s time for the domain battle round #9. If you haven’t voted for the one you think has the best value yet, take a minute to click the vote button.

Why is your domain worth your asking price? – How did you get to the asking price on your domain name asset? Take a look at what some domain investors are saying about how they evaluated their domain asset and compare notes. sold for $9,700 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a nine-letter, single-word, .net domain for a high-four-figures. Do you think it should have sol for more or less than what it sold for?

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Domains and Branding in an App World?!?

Posted on 13 April 2019 by Andrei

We’ve all heard the “apps = the death of domains” narrative. While most domainers probably don’t believe this, a seed of doubt has likely been planted in their minds.


Well, because domains are not the only game in town anymore.

Up until the social media frenzy started, you *needed* a domain if you wanted to share your message with the world but nowadays… not so much. From Instagram “influencers” to “sensations” on newer platforms like TikTok, there are tons of success stories which prove you can do your thing without even touching a domain name.

But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows in the world of apps.

Sooooo many apps come and go. Today’s hottest app might be tomorrow’s MySpace. Time and time again, people who bet it all on just one platform and built a career on it were not able to adapt. Remember all the people who got popular on a platform called Vine back in the day by publishing short funny videos?

After Vine died, some transitioned successfully to YouTube or other platforms… many others, however, were not able to do it properly. And yes, I was ready to use a corny pun and say their career died on the vine… sue me 🙂

Leaving humor aside though, it should be clear that the social media phenomenon can be a branding blessing (enabling you to reach millions or even billions of eyeballs) but ultimately a curse if you don’t manage to adapt. I could write a gazillion books about social media and in all of them, it would be hard not to mention perhaps the fatal flaw of social media: the lack of any real control over your brand.

Made a mistake? Banned.

Didn’t make a mistake but someone thought you did? Banned.

Appeal? Yeah right!

Only a complete amateur would treat this blatantly obvious threat mildly and I believe brands are already starting to realize this. Social media disrupted the Internet in a very meaningful to the point of being shocking way. While it might have seemed that social media was here to replace everything that has to do with “Web 1.0” and facilitate a glorious transition to a post-domain era… once the dust settled, individuals as well as businesses realized it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows.

Frankly, any marketer or entrepreneur worth his salt now understands two vital things about social media:

A) All these platforms are goldmines when it comes to (as Gary Vaynerchuk puts it) under-priced attention: whether we’re talking about a video of yours that went viral or a smart paid marketing campaign that leverages the (still) cheap traffic of various platforms, your brand can literally explode if you do things right

… however:

B) If you live by social media, you’ll probably die by social media and you can literally not afford to lose control over your brand. You just can’t. And when it comes to enabling you to do just that, those pesky Web 1.0 “relics” called domains are going to be vital!

Look, I want to make one thing perfectly clear: the #1 mistake domainers make when developing is assuming that an amazing domain will solve all their problems. It won’t. They spend all their money on a stellar name but only add mediocre development to the mix and are then surprised that they’re not making any money.

Therefore, no, the point of this post isn’t saying all you need is love… or in our case, a great domain.

I’m even willing to take things one step further and admit that as a percentage of your overall strategy, the importance of domains has diminished.

So what?!?

Yes, it’s a smaller percentage but a smaller percentage of a much bigger pie!

Please re-read the previous statement until it really sinks in: it’s unbelievable how much more money is on the table today when it comes to the Internet compared to let’s say 10 years ago. Just ridiculous! So even if domains are a smaller piece of that pie, the pie in question is huge enough (and getting bigger) for it not to matter.

Common sense is the operative word.

In 2019 and beyond, domainers cannot afford to embrace a domains-only view of the Internet. We need to get out of our little bubbles and acknowledge that the landscape is changing so that our strategies can be tweaked accordingly.

But if you think social media is here to kill domains… you couldn’t be more wrong! While social media is not here to help domains either, it does so indirectly (and I believe this will become more obvious as the dust continues to settle) by enabling this magnificently life-altering pie that is the Internet to become more and more important!

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