Posted on 14 October 2018 by NamePros Daily
Today: Facts, figures and statistics that make domains more valuable than others / Worst domain ever purchased / sold for $3,516 / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
The important of backlinks when it comes to marketing to buyers – Do you focus on backlinks when pitching a potential buyer? What strategy are you using when presenting them? Look at what others are doing.
Are election domains for 2020 trending? – Are you investing in election domain names for the year 2020? Share some of your research and compare notes with other like-minded investors. – Wait! What? Now, that’s a playful domain than go various directions (Why so salty?). Do you think the nostalgia of it is enough to give it value? What do you think it’s worth?
Facts, figures and statistics that make domains more valuable than others – What facts, figures, and statistics do you use to value your domain assets? Take a peek at what other domain investors do when evaluating a domain name. sold for $3,516 – Not a bad domain name sales report for four-figures. So you think that should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?
Worst domain ever purchased – What was the worst domain name you ever purchased and why? Check out what other domain investors purchased and why they did it.
Paying taxes for your domain sales – Are you or have you already been paying taxes for your domain name sales? This seems to be a topic that comes up from time to time and very important to follow.
Posted on 12 October 2018 by NamePros Daily
Today: Buffalo Domainers – WNY Domain Meetup / I just sold a domain for $7.2k, but did I sell too cheap? / sold for $6,250 / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Large volume domain transfers are a royal pain in the butt! – Have you ever had to do a large volume domain transfer from one registrar to another of over 100+ domain names? How smooth was the process for you? Check out the experience this domain investor had with large volume transfers.
Buying a .COM Domain that starts with “brand” – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of the brand domain names. This buyer has a budget of up to $200.00 for a quick sale if you have the right one.
The Pros and Cons of Geo Service Domains – Are you investing in Geo + service domain names or thinking about investing in them? This is an interesting read about the pros and cons of Geo + service domain names. sold for $6,250 – Wow! Not a bad two-letter .io ccTLD sales report. There’s been lots of movement in .io domain names lately with some decent sales reports like this one.
I just sold a domain for $7.2k, but did I sell too cheap? – What do you think? Did they sell that domain for less than the actual market value or did they make more than they should have?
Geo+domain buying factors – Which factors have you seen end-user buyers being motivated by when contacting you for one of your Geo+Domains? Check out what other investors are saying!
Buffalo Domainers – WNY Domain Meetup – Who else is in the Buffalo / Niagara / Rochester / WNY area and wants to meet-up with other like-minded domain investors? Check out this new meet-up group!
Posted on 10 October 2018 by NamePros Daily
Today: Brandable Domain Marketplace’s That Accept ccTLD’s / GEO US city domains valuable in .NET and .ORG extensions / English dictionary word trademarks making domain investing harder / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Wanted – your best Hemp, CBD, Canna, or Cannabis domain – If you have a Hemp, CBD, Canna, or Cannabis domain that meets this investors criteria, they have a budget of up to $5,000.00 per domain for a quick sale.
.CA – To Be Released (TBR) Weekly Pick List for October 10 – Are you investing in .ca ccTLD’s and curious to see what’s dropping? Check out this .ca drop list. – This one is a real first name, isn’t it? Is that enough to give this domain value, though? What would you appraise this domain name for in today’s markets?
GEO US city domains valuable in .NET and .ORG extensions – Are you investing in niche Geo U.S. city domain assets in .org or .net? Share some of your research and compare notes with others investing in this niche.
Brandable Domain Marketplace’s That Accept ccTLD’s – Have you ever ran into a brandable domain marketplace that allows ccTLD’s to be submitted? Which one was it? Take a look at what other domain investors found.
English dictionary word trademarks making domain investing harder – Are you investing in English dictionary word domain name assets? Have you ever had a problem with company that branded with the word? Check out what others are saying. sold for $8,634 – Wow! This eleven-character, two-word, .com almost cleared five-figures. Do you think t should have sold for more or less than what it did?
Posted on 09 October 2018 by Andrei
The “if nobody buys this domain, I’ll just develop it” mantra is, in my opinion, one of the most dangerous attitudes you can have as a domainer. Not because development is bad, it most certainly isn’t. But rather because most domainers don’t really understand what the term “development” means in 2018 and beyond.
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Posted on 08 October 2018 by NamePros Daily
Today: The Registrar Change Game / Buying One Word .Com Only – Up to $25K Budget / Looking for and One or Two word .us / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Client requests non brandable domain names – Do you have any domain names in your portfolio that meet this buyers guidelines? If you do, they have a budget of up to $1,000.00 for the right one. – Was a feasible investment? With the way today’s markets are in investment niches, how much do you think this domain asset us worth? – I’m not very hip on number + word domain assets, but some people swear by them. How much do you think should sell for in today’s market?
Buying One Word .Com Only – Up to $25K Budget – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these one word .com’s. This investor has up to $25,000.00 o spend on the right one.
Looking for and One or Two word .us – If you’re looking to liquidate some of your domain assets that meet this buyers criteria for fast cash, they have a budget of up to $50 each in bulk.
The Registrar Change Game – When you do a registrar change to try and save some cash or to take advantage of a free add-on being offered, where do you go? Check out where other domain investors hope to. sold for $4,589 – That is not a bad mid-four-figure domain name sales report for a two-word, eleven-letter, .com. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it did?
Posted on 06 October 2018 by NamePros Daily
Today: Top factors in domain reselling / The value of / Official .re Showcase and Discussion Thread / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Buying a premium dating domain – If you’re looking to make the next big sale, you might want to check out this investors guidelines for a dating domain. They have a budget of up to $200,000.00 for the right one. – Maybe something like Pandora or GrooveShark? There are a lot of sites offering music streaming. Tough market. What would you appraise this domain for?
WANTED: Godaddy-NameSilo-Dynadot-Name Domain Names Min 4 Months Reg. .COM ONLY – This is a bulk wholesale domain buyer. They purchase the domains you’re going to drop anyways for $1.00 to $2.00 each, in bulk. If you’re looking to liquidate, check out their requirements.
The value of – I’m not sure what to say. It could be a domain portfolio I suppose. What kind of value does a super long domain like this one have?
Top factors in domain reselling – Do you have a few top shelf factors to add to the growing list? Compare notes and see how other investors assess their domains.
Official .re Showcase and Discussion Thread – Are you investing in .re ccTLDs and want to show off your best ones? Check out what other investors are buying. sold for $15,200 – WOW! A four-letter pronounceable .com sold for more than some three-letter .com’s have been selling for lately.Would you have guessed this domain would sell for more or less than what it sold for?
Posted on 04 October 2018 by NamePros Daily
Today: The next step after developing a domain / Domain Investing – Going mainstream / Domain market fluctuations / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
One Word .app domains – Be sure to check your domain portfolio for one of these single word .app new gTLD domain assets. This buyer has a budget of up to $500.00 for the right one. – Here is a seven-letter, brandable, dictionary-word, .com that has a couple different ways to develop. It seems like it should have some liquid value, but just how much value does it have? What do you think? – It sounds brandable and playful and it could work as a network for finding things. But, is that enough to give it value in today’s markets?
Domain market fluctuations – Have you been following the domain markets over the last several years and noticed some of the shifts? Share some of your insight and check out what other domain investors learned.
Domain Investing – Going mainstream – The industry fluctuates all the time as technology and new developments progress. Do you think that domain investing is about to go more mainstream?
The next step after developing a domain – What do you do once you have finally finished developing a domain asset? How do you monetize it and generate traffic? sold for $3,904 – This is a cool four-figure brandable domain name sales report. We see more and more brandables like this one holding strong on four-figures and sometimes moving int five-figures.
Posted on 02 October 2018 by NamePros Daily
Today: Turning typo-email contacts and catch-all’s into sales leads / The Life Expectancy for Malicious Domains / Maximum purchase prices / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
.SHOP domains on sale U.S.$2.99 only – Are you investing in .shop new gTLD’s? If you’re not, but thought about it, this $2.99 coupon might be help to get your feet wet. sold for $2,000! – Wow! Another great three-letter .tv ccTLD sales report. It’s nice to see that .tv domain assets are still pulling four-figures.
Google & Amazon Are Killing Websites & Businesses – How do you feel about this opinion? Is there any statistical data to back up their concern or is it just hype?
Maximum purchase prices – What is the most you invested into a domain name in one lump sum? Check out what other domain investors have spent and are still spending on their domain assets.
The Life Expectancy for Malicious Domains – It’s been suggested that all new domain registration be put into a penalty box with search engines and email handlers until they have aged with development a while first. What are your thoughts?
Turning typo-email contacts and catch-all’s into sales leads – Do you ever get accidental emails from someone that typed the domain in the email wrong or maybe an email from a customer the previous domain owner had? Check out what some investors are suggesting to do with those. sold for $40,000 – Not a bad two-letter .net gTLD sales report. $40,000.00 is a great way to start your day. Do you think should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?
Posted on 02 October 2018 by Andrei
Prices have gone down a LOT for many short domain types, especially those driven by interest from China such as 4-letter .coms without aeiouv (CHIPs). For example, 4-letter CHIP dot coms that used to fetch $2,000+ in late 2015 to early 2016 can now be bought at let’s say $450 easily at public venues, even lower if you buy directly from the investor, without there being an auction house commission involved.
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