Even though I was on a vacation at a place with horrible internet connectivity on my data card, I could not resist myself playing a few pranks on April Fools Day. What I had only done for a few laughs revealed some really interesting things to me.
Fake $7 eBook Joke on WickedFire
If you have ever been on WickedFire then you’d know how much we hate “get-rich-quick” eBooks and how swiftly we take actions against them. The last thing that you’d want to see is a WickedFire Staff Member and Domaining Section Manager writing a Get Rick Quick eBook.
But yes, I did! I claimed to be writing an eBook revealing all my domaining secrets and made an offer to people to pre-order it for just $7. You can see my thread and the funny-comments people made there by clicking here.
Another thing — when Jon had started a crusade against these quick-buck eBook authors, he had done so by openly posting a copy of the crap that these authors were selling. So to take the joke further, I asked a friend to post a fake download link for what I was claiming to sell. The link was a Rick-Roll!
The tone of comments in the thread was enough for anyone to see the joke. However, I was shocked when over 20 people contacted me via private messages, eMail and instant messenger asking for payment details for the eBooks.
I was even more shocked to see the key-phrase “lord brar ebook” in my search referral stats!
Com’on guys. I have not written any eBook and neither do I plan to anytime soon. However, this validated the fact that a fool and his money don’t stay together for long.
Remember – What Works For One, Doesn’t Work For Everyone and you have to find out what works for you by hit and trial.
DomainingTips.com Has Been Sold Joke
I made this post claiming that DomainingTips.com has been sold. A lot of you saw through the joke and posted in the comments or ribbed me via IM or PM about it.
However, I actually received a few offers in high x,xxx range trying to out-do the current bidder or in case the sale doesn’t go through.
No folks, I don’t plan to sell DomainingTips.com anytime soon but it was pretty interesting to see the offers rolling in!
I hope you had a nice First April. Do tell me about your experiences and pranks in the comments.