If you follow financial news, you know that something pretty important happened. Larry Summers, perceived by most people as the next Fed chairman, is no longer a candidate.
Why should domainers care?
Let me explain.
Investors in general go through two types of phases:
1) Risk On
2) Risk Off
When the “risk on” mood is enabled, risk assets do well. What are risk assets? For example stocks and you guessed it, domains.
When the “risk off” mood is enabled, those assets perform poorly.
After the financial crisis, investors adopted a “risk off” mindset and I’m sure all of you understand the implications that had for the domaining industry. Even though lots of people thought domains wouldn’t be affected, they were wrong.
Domains are risk assets and should be treated accordingly.
One of the most important things which will determine whether or not “risk on” or “risk off” mode will be enabled is represented by the outcome of the Fed chairman situation.
Monetary policy has a *huge* impact on risk assets and therefore, we as domainers should pay close attention to this subject matter in my opinion.
Some people perceive these things as boring but if you want your results to be worthwhile, you have to pay attention to the boring stuff as well 😉
September 16th, 2013 at 10:44 pm
Janet Yellen may be the next Fed cheif. If so, I hear that she favors easy money policy, which should be good for domain investing.