Today: Is trading domains a thing? / sold for $12,050 / How to scale up your domain business / and more…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
The Appraisal of – That’s an interesting looking twenty-three-letter, three-word, .com domain, but is it good enough to have some value in today’s market? What would you appraise it for?
Custom DNS Server – Developer Help Needed – Budget: Up to $150.00 – Are you any good with development and DNS? If so, this might be an opportunity at some quick weekend spending cash and a client for your portfolio.
How to scale up your domain business – When it comes to investing into domain name assets for a living, as your primary source of income, each investor does things a little different. What did you do to scale up your domain business? Take a peek at what others did. sold for $12,050 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a seventeen-letter, five-word, .org domains for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?
Is trading domains a thing? – Have you ever traded a domain name asset for another domain name asset? How did the process go for you? Take a look at what some domain investors are saying about trading and share your own experience.
.me domains in today’s market – Are you investing into any .me domains? Share some of your research with other .me investors and compare notes with what they found.