Today: The best free Whois lookup service / Chinese domain name investors / .COM registrations – Only $8.08 / and more…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Looking for 4L dot com domains – Budget: Up to $2,000.00 – If you have any of these four-letter .com domains that this buyer is looking for, you might be able to score some fast reinvestment capital.
Buying GoDaddy appraised domains – Budget: Up to $500.00 ea. – Be sure to double-check your domain name portfolio for one of these GoDaddy appraised domains outlined in this buyers specified criteria. This could be an opportunity to liquidate.
Buying 2 word Solid English (com) and (net) for $100 – Are you holding any two-word English .com or ,net domain names that meets this buyers guideline? If so, this could be a chance at some quick spending cash this weekend.
.COM registrations – Only $8.08 – If you have been thinking about investing into a new .com registration, but didn’t like the price-point, this new promotion might be an opportunity to save some money for you.
The best free Whois lookup service – Have you found that one free whois lookup service is better than all the others? Which one do you use? Take a look at what other domain investors use and compare notes.
Chinese domain name investors – Are you a Chinese domain name investor looking for others in your region to collaborate with? If so, this could be an opportunity to meet others like yourself. sold for $36,471 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a seven-letter, .de, ccTLD for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?