Today: sold for $11,679 / Buying Pronounceable LLLL, LLN, NLL, LNL .com – Total Budget: $5,000.00 / sold @ 45K / and more…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today: – Immediate Deal Wanted – Total Budget: Up to $4,000.00 – Are you holding a four-letter .com domain name that meets this buyers specified criteria? If so, this could be an opportunity to liquidate.
Sold $17,999 (hand reg) – If you like to follow sales reports and read the back-stories about the domains, why the investors bought them, how the negotiations went, etc… this might be a good read for you.
.COM for $6.98 – If you have been on the fence about investing into a new .com registration, but didn’t like the price-point, this might be an opportunity to save a few bucks.
Buying Pronounceable LLLL, LLN, NLL, LNL .com – Total Budget: $5,000.00 – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these pronounceable, four-letter, LLN, NLL, or LNL, .com domains outlined in this buyers guideline. It could be a chance for some quick spending cash. sold for $11,679 – That’s not a bad five-number .com sales report for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for? sold @ 45K – Wow! That’s an interesting two-letter, .nu, ccTLD, hack domain for a mid-five-figure sale. Why do you think it sold for as much as it did?
Why you should renew domains several years in advance – Are you simply renewing your domain names as they start to expire each year or are you renewing for multiple years in advance? There are a few reasons why it may be beneficial to renew for multiple years instead of year by year. Check out what some investors said.