Archive | January, 2014

GoDaddy Promo Codes + PayPal = BS? [Guest Post]

Posted on 31 January 2014 by Andrei

One thing I can’t stand is when corporations don’t do right by their customers. GoDaddy will not allow you to use PayPal as your payment method when you use a promo code. If PayPal is your only option, you’re shut out from getting the best discounts at the world’s largest registrar.

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Should Domainers Invest in New gTLDs?

Posted on 30 January 2014 by Andrei

Morgan wrote a post about a very important topic earlier today and explained that in his opinion, domainers should stay away from new gTLDs. While I understand and respect his arguments, I disagree and through this post, will try to explain why.

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Love It or Hate It, the New gTLD Introduction Is Historically Relevant

Posted on 29 January 2014 by Andrei

There’s no doubt in my mind that the events we are witnessing and will be witnessing will be highlighted in the Internet’s history book. Now sure, we had gTLD introductions in the past as well but comparing those situations to ours doesn’t make sense.

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Will End Users Adopt New gTLDs?

Posted on 28 January 2014 by Andrei

In my opinion yes, they will. Now of course, everyone would love to own the category killer dot com but realistically speaking, most end users definitely can’t afford it. Therefore, I think that for a lot of end users, new gTLDs will represent an interesting alternative.

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Higher Upside Potential vs. Lower Liquidity

Posted on 27 January 2014 by Andrei

In my opinion, this is what it will ultimately all boil down to when it comes to new gTLDs: making informed decisions after analyzing the pros as well as the cons.

Today, I want to put the “upside potential vs. liquidity” argument under the microscope.

Compared to investment grade dot coms (please remember that not all dot coms are investment grade), the upside potential will be higher but at the same time, the reseller market liquidity will be considerably lower or even non-existent in some cases.

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Tomorrow Is the International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Posted on 26 January 2014 by Andrei

It doesn’t matter if you’re a domainer, an entrepreneur, an engineer, a doctor, a lawyer or anything else. Tomorrow, let’s all be humans together and remember something that our species should be ashamed of.

Words can’t begin to describe how important it is for all of us to remember those events and do everything we can to make sure that nothing like that will ever happen again. By watching a documentary, by reading an article, by saying a prayer.

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9 GoDaddy Discount Codes

Posted on 25 January 2014 by Andrei

Managed to find 9 coupons for you guys this week, two of them should work internationally (so not just for the US or Canada) and as far as the remaining 7 are concerned, I’m not sure.

Haven’t used any of these myself, so I can’t guarantee they will work unfortunately.

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Is There Room for Institutional Investors in the Domaining Industry?

Posted on 24 January 2014 by Andrei

In my opinion, there will be but we’re not there yet.

What’s an institutional investor?

Let’s start with the Wikipedia definition:

Institutional investors are organizations which pool large sums of money and invest those sums in securities, real property and other investment assets. They can also include operating companies which decide to invest their profits to some degree in these types of assets.

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Not All New gTLD Operators Are “Pros”

Posted on 23 January 2014 by Andrei

Most domainers perceive *all* new gTLD operators as well-funded entities ran by professionals. Some are, that’s true. Some however are simply small operations run by beginners on a shoestring budget. Nothing wrong with that and the people behind them deserve credit for their courage but before making a purchase, you as a domainer should know exactly what you’re getting into.

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Sedo GreatDomains January Ending Tomorrow

Posted on 22 January 2014 by Andrei

Sedo really should start advertising their GreatDomains auctions more aggressively in my opinion. I think DomainingTips is the only site that mentions GreatDomains every once in a while and am reasonably confident that without my occasional reminders, quite a few domainers would forget that GreatDomains auctions still exist.

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