Archive | December, 2013

6 GoDaddy Discount Codes

Posted on 21 December 2013 by Andrei

Not as many as last week but not bad either. I’m reasonably confident at least one of them works internationally but some of the others probably work as well.

Three of them bring the price down to $1.99 and the other three bring the price down to $2.95.

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What’s Your Risk Tolerance?

Posted on 20 December 2013 by Andrei

One of the biggest mistakes domainers make is thinking that there’s a “one size fits all” solution just waiting for them.

What they should be doing is asking themselves what the best strategy for their specific situation is. An approach that’s great for a beginner who wants to learn the ropes and doesn’t mind investing time as well might not be the best choice for let’s say an offline business owner who wants to add some diversity to his portfolio by investing in domains as well.

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Back Up Your Data… Now!

Posted on 19 December 2013 by Andrei

As of this point, I’ll be publishing a post like this once a year because unfortunately, most people still don’t understand just how important backups are.

Most domainers probably have at least a website or two and the bottom line is this: it doesn’t matter which hosting company you’re using, you should still have your own backups because one extra measure of precaution can’t hurt.

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What Domainers Can Learn from Economists

Posted on 18 December 2013 by Andrei

About an hour ago, the Federal Reserved tapered (it reduced its purchases from $85 billion per month to $75). Most economists predicted that there would be no taper.

Last month, the ECB lowered the interest rate. Most economists predicted that it would remain intact.

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Black Swan Theory, Turkeys and… Domaining?

Posted on 17 December 2013 by Andrei

A lot of economists find Nassim Taleb’s theories fascinating and I think they’re worth mentioning as well as worth analyzing from a domaining perspective.

As the name suggests, the Black Swan Theory refers to the fact that rare/weird/unique events can turn everything upside down and render all of our plans as well as everything we thought we knew about the world around us useless.

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I Don’t Believe in Domaining Predictions

Posted on 16 December 2013 by Andrei

We had an interesting debate yesterday and one of my conclusions was this: time will tell what will happen when it comes to new gTLDs, I don’t believe in predictions.

I think this issue deserves its own post because a lot of people are 100% convinced that they know exactly what will happen. That, in my opinion, is a huge mistake.

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Dot Com vs. New gTLDs – Cognitive Dissonance?

Posted on 15 December 2013 by Andrei

Some of you probably know this but cognitive dissonance is basically the feeling of discomfort that occurs when you’re dealing with an inner conflict between contradictory beliefs.

What does this have to do with domaining?

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38 $1.99 GoDaddy Coupons

Posted on 14 December 2013 by Andrei

Based on what I read, whenever there are number sequence coupons (so something like abcd1, abcd2, …, abcd10, where the abcd text remains constant and only the numbers at the end change), only one or two will usually end up working.

With the ones I’m sharing this week however, it seems things don’t stand that way and all of them (or at least most) should work. I didn’t use them myself so I can’t confirm but if that is indeed true, then this will prove to be a very good week for those who like saving money.

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Wish I Could Make It to NamesCon!

Posted on 13 December 2013 by Andrei

In my opinion, NamesCon will be a huge success.

Got a chance to talk to Richard and his team about being a speaker, had an interesting idea which they liked as well and all in all, it would have been a great experience. Unfortunately, due to bureaucracy-related reasons, it’s impossible for me to make it in January.

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I’m Starting to Like the Domain Trading Concept

Posted on 12 December 2013 by Andrei

I have to admit, I started warming up to the idea of domain trades over the last couple of years. I’m not saying your entire business model should revolve around them, I’m simply saying that in some cases, a domain trade makes sense for both parties involved.

In fact, I’ll be contacting someone with a domain trade idea right after finishing this post.

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