Archive | February, 2008

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Why Network Solutions’ Certified Offers Service Stinks! – Two Things You Must Know About Them.

Posted on 01 February 2008 by Lord Brar - Network Solutions Certified Offers! Continue Reading

Comments (4) – The Tabloid of Domaining Industry.

Posted on 01 February 2008 by Lord Brar

[01:13] lordbrar: Quick! I am about to push the publish button.
[01:13] lordbrar: 😛
[01:14] michael1goldman: er wait!!!
[01:15] michael1goldman: ok, you can add “approved by MG” :p
[01:15] lordbrar: lol
[01:15] lordbrar: I am seriously going to do it
[01:15] michael1goldman: haha
[01:15] michael1goldman: then.. 😉
[01:16] lordbrar: Congratulations! Your Payment for $44.6 Billion has been sent to
[01:16] lordbrar: 😛
[01:16] michael1goldman: yeah, paypal has a limit of $100M i know it sucks 🙁
[01:17] michael1goldman: what do you consider a tabloid
[01:17] lordbrar: lol
[01:17] michael1goldman: like all the kinky news?
[01:17] lordbrar: is a tabloid
[01:17] lordbrar: you just try to make the news spicy
[01:17] lordbrar: throw more dirt
[01:17] lordbrar: call names
[01:17] michael1goldman: cool
[01:17] lordbrar: 😛
[01:17] lordbrar: something I love doing as such
[01:17] lordbrar: haha
[01:17] michael1goldman: well i think domainers mostly just want to read how to make money
[01:17] michael1goldman: so stuff like interview is awesome
[01:18] michael1goldman: tips, stories etc
[01:18] michael1goldman: ideas advices
[01:18] lordbrar: 😛 all that will follow. For Sure.

Comments (4)