TechCrunch is reporting that now Network Solution is hijacking traffic to the sub-domains to the domains hosted by them. From the post, Win Betteridge, who runs contacted TechCrunch with the following details —
For instance, resolves to a Network Solutions page with text links, including “Poker Tournaments” and “Texas Holdem Games.” The same is true of any other unassigned sub-domain. We have spoken to customer service a few times about fixing this problem…
I don’t know if this is standard practice for a hosting company, but this strikes me as another case of Network Solutions unreasonably profiting at the expense of its customers.
This is shocking and absolutely unethical — and no this is NOT a common practice by hosts but rather the greed of Network Solutions. The TechCrunch post has comments from readers which describes other Network Solutions horror stories.
But well, this is Network Solutions – the hypocrites of highest order – the guys who themselves do Front-Running while pretending to be fighting it and recently got sued for it. I wonder if they will ever stop being a Crook?
April 9th, 2008 at 7:20 pm
Interesting question:
Will Network Solutions Ever Stop Being a Crook?
The CEO at Network Solutions sets the working environment at the company and this is what the staff do as a result of following orders of the CEO and other so called Managers.
They (CEO and Managers) run the company by installing fear, telling lies and implementing other EVIL deads (this CEO and the Mangers have a shallow mindset and they think that they can set Company rules and EVERYONE under them working in the Company has to follow their rules. The CEO and the Managers think that they are GOD – but they are NOTHING – not even that).
Many Companys these day’s are being run like Network Solutions – to name some would be, Australian Telstra Company, Australian Hospitality Company and there are many others.
April 10th, 2008 at 4:33 am
It may not be common practice among hosts, but some do it and claim nothing is wrong with this.
Hostgator for example told me (after I saw that displays ads) that they don’t think anything is wrong with this and won’t stop this “feature”…
April 17th, 2008 at 11:09 pm
Really Florin, then I am glad I am not with hostgator, very glad. A ‘feature’ what for them
April 18th, 2008 at 1:02 am
@Florin — is it still happening with you? I just checked alteast 15 domains I know are hosted by them and none resolved into ads. Yes, they do show ads on “susended” pages.
@Josh — They are still one of the best. I recommend them.
June 23rd, 2008 at 10:34 am
Hi Lord,
I work at Network Solutions. We know how important this issue is for everyone, and not only did we listen, we’re acting.
On June 26, 2008 ICANN can vote an important issue to resolve to resolve front running for once and for all. Network Solutions is advocating that ICANN acts now, and we have published an official statement on our web site to that end.
Please excuse this URL, but given the seriousness of this issue, it was appropriate to provide a link: